Apps I Use For Blogging

Apps I Use For Blogging

Nowadays, apps feel as essential to us as our second kidney (perhaps a bit of an exaggeration but whatever), and when you’re a blogger this is even more so true. Blogging is 24/7, so it’s important to stay in the loop for the most part of the day but it’s simply impossible to stay wired to a laptop for all your days just in the chance you might get someone to read your latest blog post, this is where apps come in. These are the apps I use for blogging, and I would say I go on everyone at least 3 times a day. Is that bad? Yes, but you can’t judge me because you probably do the exact same thing.

Twitter: Twitter is one of the biggest ways I’ve increased traffic to and the following of my blog. It’s all very well firing out amazing content and capturing beautiful photos, but if you don’t make people aware of your blog, it’s all a bit of a loss. I’m constantly checking the Twitter app on my phone (probably more so that I should!) and it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers. If you haven’t before, you should definitely try out taking part in a twitter chat, these are such an amazing way to introduce yourself to the blogging community without having to do the whole ‘Hi, i’m *insert name here* and I would love it if you could follow my blog!’.

Instagram: Much like Twitter, this is a give in, and another great way to drive traffic to your blog. I also love using twitter for inspiration for photos. Photo taking is definitely not my strong point, but seeing some of the make up lays and things that all these instagram gurus create is really inspiring and it’s really fun having a go yourself!

Bloglovin: A must have for any blogger, for sure. I love using bloglovin to stay connected to blogs I love, and for discovering new blogs. It’s such a great way for bloggers on all platforms to meet in the middle and share content.

Pinterest: Although my most updated board on Pinterest is naturally my ‘weddings’ board, I still love using it for my blog too. I have a board dedicated to my blog posts (this is a great way to make blog posts shareable FYI!), and I also have a board dedicated to ‘Blog Tips’  that other bloggers have shared. I’ve read some invaluable advice about blogging, instagram and twitter here and would definitely recommend that anyone who wants to learn anything about blogging has a look on Pinterest, because odds are there is a post on it!

Buffer: As much as I would love to be on Twitter 24/7, you gotta eat, sleep and you know, actually live. This is where buffer comes in. I use it to schedule tweets promoting my blog posts so that even when I’m not active, I am. It’s also a good idea to schedule links to go out throughout the night to that you can stay be active when overseas people are awake and surfing! I personally don’t like using buffer to post tweets that aren’t links as I think it’s a bit impersonal, but this may suit some people who are genuinely too busy to get online and fire out a couple of tweets.

PS Express: Photoshop Express is my favorite photo editing app I’ve used (annoyingly I tried it after I bought Afterlight), it’s incredibly simple to use and improve the quality of pictures ten fold. For a blogger that just uses their iPhone for pictures, this is essential.

Crowdfire: Crowdfire is an app for keeping track of followers/unfollowers and stats for Twitter and Instagram. Yes, it’s important to not be obsessed with numbers, but we would all be lying if we said we weren’t in the slightest bit interested! Another good thing about it is you can set reminders for yourself to post to Instagram which is handy if you have a blog post coming out, or if your just generally bad at updating Instagram regularly (guilty). You can use it for scheduling tweets but I’m set in my ways with Buffer so I haven’t tried this part of the app yet.

WordPress: I use the wordpress app very often, to track my blog views and for adding photos into posts. I also schedule posts from my phone as I find that whenever I do it on the browser, it always goes up an hour after I schedule it too. It’s also handy for when you’re on the go and want to get started on a blog post, or are suddenly inspired to add another part into a draft post. Generally it’s just a handy app to have (especially when you’re as prone to typos as myself!)

What apps do you all use for blogging? I love trying out new apps and finding the best ones to stay organised with my blog, so let me know if you have any recommendations and I’ll definitely give them a try!

Fancy browsing some more? Have a read at my Autumn/Winter Essentials, or the 10 products I always repurchase!

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Connect with me 

Twitter: @allanahbeauty

Instagram: @allanahlouise_

Pinterest: @allanahbeauty

Bloglovin: @allanahdoesbeauty

9 thoughts on “Apps I Use For Blogging

    1. Thank you for saying that! Makes such a difference when you know your posts are actually helping people. Welcome to the blogging community and if theres ever any questions you have or you just need a bit of help feel free to drop me an email anytime xx


  1. Thanks for the super helpful and concise post. I’ve just started a lifestyle blog and have been trying to figure out the best apps to make sure I’m connected on the move. I’ll definitely try PS express. The scheduler also sounds like a great option but I do agree with you on just using it to put out links.

    Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

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